- a conspiracy in writing

Pål’s Top Ten Movies of the Decade

We’ve started a new decade, and it’s time to look back at the one we just wrapped up. These are the ten films, released between 2001 and 2009, that have made the greatest impression on me. So, without further ado or explanation:

10. Ying xiong (Hero)

9. Le fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain

8. Children of Men

7. Låt den rätte komma in (Let the Right One In)

6. No Country for Old Men

5. Memento

4. El laberinto del fauno (Pan’s Labyrinth)

3. Good Night, and Good Luck

2. Mulholland Dr.

1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


Norwegian film 1985-2010


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  1. Looking at Pål’s list, it strikes me that this was a pretty decent decade. I’ll get to work on my own list now, and I’ll try not to be identical to this, even if it’s hard to disagree with anything here.

  2. When you take into consideration that this was the first decade in half a century without a new Kubrick film – it ain’t half bad…

  3. A.I. (2001) kind of makes about half a Kubrick film, I guess. But it won’t be on my list.

  4. Trond-Atle

    It’s hard to be objective with these kinds of lists, so I won’t even try. But these are my personal favorites:

    1. Le fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain (2001)
    2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
    3. Gladiator (2000)
    4. Requiem for a Dream (2000)
    5. Moulin Rouge! (2001)
    6. LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
    7. The Bourne Identity (2002)
    8. Lost in Translation (2003)
    9. No Country for Old Men (2007)
    10. Der Untergang (2004)

    In addition, there are a few films which I feel deserve an honorable mention, as comedies and animated films rarely make it into these kinds of lists:

    Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004)
    Team America: World Police (2004)
    Finding Nemo (2003)
    Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002)

  5. Ah, good point about comedies and animation. In my opinion, every Pixar film of the decade (except Cars and Ratatouille) would deserve a spot.

    All in all, the decade was pretty cool!

  6. And best comedy moment of the decade must surely be Ron Burgundy reading the question mark off the teleprompter…

  7. Good point about the comedies and animated flicks, Trond-Atle! Both The Incredibles and Wall-E were on my shortlist for the top ten spots.

    I see you put Moulin Rouge on your list. I tried to watch it once, but it felt like getting a rootcanal done by a psychotic clown on meth. I hear other people like it though 😉

  8. A musical on a Cunning Plan top 10 list. God have mercy! 🙂

  9. Trond-Atle

    A little singing and dancing never hurt anyone. Diamonds are a girl’s best friend. Movies are ours.

    By the way, my last rootcanal wasn’t anything like Moulin Rouge. A psychotic clown might have distracted me from the pain though

  10. Rune

    Here is my attempt to put together the top ten movielist of the last decade:

    1. Dark Knight
    2. Snatch
    3. Sin City
    4. Blinkende lygter
    5. Kill Bill vol.1
    6. Requiem for a dream
    7. Casino Royale (I know. Willing to discuss this choice over a few beers)
    8. High Fidelity
    9. Old Boy
    10. Lord of the rings – fellowship of the rings.

  11. Rune

    Honorable mentions:

    1. Zoolander
    2. Finding Nemo
    3. Moulin Rouge
    4. Finding Neverland
    5. Brokeback Mountain

  12. Interesting list, Rune! And with Dark Night topping your list, I think we can safely say that Christopher Nolan seems to be this site’s Filmmaker of the Decade?

    As for Casino Royale, I think it’s an excellent movie! Those chase scenes up in the cranes made me really dizzy. To bad they couldn’t follow suit with Quantum of Solace.

  13. And the next Bond is to be directed by Sam Mendes. Interesting choice, to say the least.

  14. Word has it that Warner Bros are turning to Chris Nolan to “godfather” a new Superman. Eh… I’m sure the studio would like that, but I would be very disappointed if Nolan would like it too. He’s created the best comic book adaptations in film history with his Batman films, and I would love to see him cap it with an awesome third film. But please, Chris, don’t become another Bryan Singer and disappear up the comic book hole…

    I admire Warner Bros for how they resurrected Batman: pulling the plug first on Joel Schumacher’s abomination, then on Paul Verhoven’s incredibly lame Batman vs Superman, then hiring Darren Aronofsky (who?) in 2000 to have a go at Batman Year One, then having the balls to pull the plug on what I personally consider to be a piss-poor Aronofsky script, and finally getting Nolan to deliver awesome-ness.

    Didn’t this teach them to think outside the box?

  15. The best thing would be to retire Superman for good. But that’s unlikely. They’re looking for a way to make a profitable movie, and I guess they think of Nolan as million-dollar-boy now.

  16. Deadline Hollywood about Nolan “godfathering” a Superman Reboot: “His precise involvement isn’t specified, but it seems he will NOT be on directing duties, instead providing leadership, guiding the script, making decisions on directors and so on.”

    I see. Job title “producer” has now been substituted for “godfather” in Hollywood.

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