- a conspiracy in writing

Mapping out

I have spent much of the week desperately trying to plot a heroic journey across the North Atlantic, based on widely differing source materials. Memo to self: draw before you write.

And it is certainly better to deal with logistical challenges (who does what where and when?) early in the process, than saving them for the final draft, as me and Pål learned on our previous script Nidarholm.


A look at the Canon EOS 7D


Resarch for Screenwriters


  1. Anyways, I think it´s good to think it through and make a choice with the first draft. That choice can always be changed later on. The important thing is to be conscious of your choices from the start. That way you have less of a chance of contradicting yourself and ending up with inconsistencies in the plot.

  2. Indeed. This is so important. Make decisions early, but always be ready to change your mind. In plotting the ocean course I’m currently writing up, Pål and I have had to decide what version of events we want to present, and what version we want to ignore. And then we might end up turning it completely around later, if that’s better for the script. Or at least I like to think that I’m able to, but I’ve often found it hard. 😉

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